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Hold on tight, going faster
Can tell I’m heading for a disaster
My life’s rushing out of control
Won’t have to worry about growing old

Acceleratiing to the end
you may hope to transcend
is better than waiting for it to end
at least that’s what’s in my head

Hold on tight, going faster
Can tell I’m heading for a disaster
My life’s rushing out of control
Won’t have to worry about growing old

Acceleratiing to the end
you may hope to transcend
is better than waiting for it to end
at least that’s what’s in my head


Hold on tight, going faster
Can tell I’m heading for a disaster
My life’s rushing out of control
Won’t have to worry about growing old

Acceleratiing to the end
you may hope to transcend
is better than waiting for it to end
at least that’s what’s in my head

Music & Lyrics ~ Scott Ferguson
© 1994 Stanton Park Music/Black Hole Music

Song Performed | Song Recorded